Monday, July 9, 2012


We've been home educating our children since the day they were born. Their first lesson was a lesson in love. They learned that their tiny, squeaky cries would bring warm milk, a diaper change, or a soft cuddle. Since those very early days, they've learned to walk, speak English, obey, build houses out of blocks, pray, eat with a fork, trace lines, and much more. Our four-year-old has memorized the titles and artists of several famous paintings. Just a few weeks ago, he wrote his name for the first time, without prodding from his mama! Just think: all of this, without the aid of experts and professionals.

We are parents, and while we have many responsibilities under that title, we are very excited about the responsibility of teaching our little boys. Intimidated? Yes, sometimes we are. It's a weighty responsibility, but if we can effectively teach our boys to imitate the most complex language on earth, I think we will do just fine!

I decided to start a blog for two reasons. First, I wanted to keep a record, of sorts, of our first year of homeschooling. My husband and I have parents and friends who are curious about home education, so we'll also be documenting our days for them. Secondly, I wanted to share exactly how we "do" Classical education at home with a four and three-year-old. There is a plethora of information about Classical education on the internet and in books--very good information. However, as I began researching Classical education, I found very little information about educating very little ones using this method. I believe it can be done effectively and in a fun way, so I want to share our experiences with others who might be considering educating their little ones classically.

The backbone of our homeschool this year will be Classical Conversations. We will be participating in our local CC community's Foundations program. I will be tutoring my older son's group, called the Abecedarians. We're looking forward to an exciting year of learning and discovery!

 Join us on our adventure!

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